10+ Useful HTML Tags That You May Not Know

Nill Webdev
3 min readJun 8, 2021

We all know about HTML, it helps us structure the content, there are a lot of tags that help us quickly develop a web application, as well as some tags that we will never be able to use because we don’t know about its existence. Here I list a few html tags that may be useful to you at some point in your web development career. If you know any interesting tags, let me know. Hopefully this list will help you in some way, happy coding

  1. address element The address element is a container element which is used to represent contact information or group contact information together.

2. data element The data element links a given content with a machine readable translation. The data element has one attribute, value, which specifies the machine readable translation. By default the value is not visible to the user.

3. bdi element (Bi Directional Isolation) The bdi element tells the browser to treat the content inside the bdi element differently, with respect to the directionality.

4. datalist element The datalist elements contains a set of option elements. datalist can be used to create auto complete function for input elements in HTML.

5. bdo element (Bi Directional Override) The bdo element overrides the current text direction of the text enclosed in the bdo tag, i.e. the text enclosed inside the bdo tag will have a direction specified by the dir attribute of the bdo tag.

6. kbd element(Keyboard Input Element) The kbd element is an inline tag which represent user input from a keyboard or any other text entry device. By default kbd use a monospace font.

7. mark element The mark tag is used to highlight text content, it’s an inline element.

8. progress element The progress element shows a progress bar, which take two properties max and value.

9. sub element (Subscript) The text enclosed in sub element cause the text to be displayed as a subscript

10. var element The var tag is used to represent the name of a variable in a mathematical or programming expression.

Learn more about 5 useful HTML tags by following the link

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Nill Webdev

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